028: How to Know When to Say Yes: Making Wise Commitment Decisions with Joni Topper
Decision Making, Personal Decisions, Home Decisions, SAIL Method, Christian Lifestyle, Hearing from GodLauren Blackshould you accept that commitment, how to say no to commitments without feeling guilty, knowing how God speaks to you, Checklist for deciding which commitments to agree to, God closing the doors
027: Ask a Decision Coach: Should I buy the new build or the fixer upper?
Decision Making, Personal Decisions, Home Decisions, Ask a Decision Coach, SAIL MethodLauren BlackBig Decisions, Christian Decision Making, SAIL Method, decision-making framework, pros and cons list, Pros and cons of buying a fixer-upper vs. new home, Fixer upper verses new construction, Faith-based decision-making for major life choices, How to choose between two houses when buying a home, The SAIL Method for making better decisions, Why a pros and cons list won’t make your decision for you, How to use a weighted decision matrix for life choices, Weighted Decision Scorecard, Decision matrix, decision compass
026: The Single Most Important Factor in Your Decision-Making as a Christian
025: What's the Wise Choice — from Andy Stanley’s “Principle of the Path”
Decision Making, Living with Purpose, Personal DecisionsLauren BlackBig Decisions, Long-term thinking, Power of the Path, What's the Wise Choice, Andy Stanley, Wise decisions, Intentions, Intentional Living, Actions not intentions determine your destination, Principle of the Path
024: Raising Godly Decision-Makers with Rachel Mitchell
019: Take Captive Every Thought: Using Faith-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Conquer Your Mental Battles with Kimberly Christian
Decision Making, Living with Purpose, Christian LifestyleLauren BlackGuest Interview, Life Coach, Intentional Living, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Kimberly Christian, Christian Therapist, Thoughts vs feelings, Take captive every thought, Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 10:5, Overcome anxiety and depression
018: Indecision vs Perfectionism: Which is keeping you stuck?
017: Practical and Prudent: Getting Back to God’s Natural Design for Problem Solving
016: Make Better Decisions & Live Life to the Fullest by Learning to Rest and Reflect with Rachel Baker
014: How to Help Your Adult Children Make Good Decisions without Overstepping
013: How to Help Your Kids Make Good Decisions
012: Laying a Fleece: Seeking God’s Confirmation in Decision-Making with Sasha Star Robertson
011: Building your dream home: 6 steps to discovering your style, choosing aesthetics, and envisioning your design to create a house you love
010: How to envision your decisions: Mastering long-term thinking and strategic vision
009: Decision Dilemma! Do these 6 Research Steps First!
007: 6 Strategies to Overcoming Decision Fatigue
003: 3 Steps to Easier Decisions Using the SAIL Method - Our Signature Decision-Making Framework
002: The internal battle — What to do when your heart and head disagree over a decision?
001: Decoding the 3 decision instincts: How to keep your head, heart and gut in check