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Make Easier, More Confident Decisions

 School Research & Comparison Guide

The journey to deciding what school to place your child in can be daunting. Whether you've visited 7 different private schools and are starting to mix them up, or you've looked at so many homeschool curriculums you could scream — this guide will keep you organized and help you to document all of the important school features.

Gather Testimonials

We provide a thorough list of questions to ask staff, students and other parents with first-hand experience so you can rest assured you’ve sought out the right feedback and have quality research.

School Tour Documentation

Feel prepared for any school tours with lists of questions to ask and things to look out for. Document your thoughts and feelings from the tours, as well as any critical components that will shape your decision.

School Feature Comparison

Document and compare curriculum, activities, facilities, discipline styles, hours, locations etc. for all schools, homeschool programs or homeschool co-ops you’re comparing. That way you’ll have a source to refer back to when they all start blurring together in your mind!

Grab our School Research & Comparison Guide

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K-12 School Bundle
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